Main Content
Information for Students
Rev. 23 September 2021
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Links to Student Advisory Services
- Central Student Advisory Office (ZAS)
- FB01: Department of Law
- FB02: Department of Business and Economics
- FB03: Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- FB04: Department of Psychology
- FB05: Department of Protestant Theology
- FB06: Department of History and Cultural Studies
- FB09: Department of German Studies and Arts
- FB10: Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures
- FB12: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- FB13: Department of Physics
- FB15: Department of Chemistry
- FB16: Department of Pharmacy
- FB17: Department of Biology
- FB19: Department of Geography
- FB20: Department of Medicine
- FB21: Department of Education
- Center for Teacher Education (ZfL)
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Psychological support
The corona crisis presents an unfamiliar challenge and psychological burden for many people. Counseling and support services can help manage daily life and protect mental health. In addition, they can provide help in acute crisis situations.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Vaccination for students
Information about vaccinations for students can be found on these pages.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information from the Student Registry Office (Studierendensekretariat)
In this overview you can find deadlines and dates for re-registration and de-registration in the summer semester 2020/21.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Courses in the Summer Semester 2021
If the 7-day incidence exceeds the value of 165 for at least three days in a row, from the day after the next, teaching events will only take place digitally at a distance. This does not include sports and laboratory practicals, outdoor practicals and clinical practice. If the 7-day incidence is below 165 on five consecutive working days, teaching events will be held according to the previous level system, with level 3 - reduced pandemic operation - then applying.
For more information please also refer to the implementing regulations.
Currently level 1 of the Stufenkonzept für Präsenzmöglichkeiten unter Corona-Pandemiebedingungen is applied.
In the summer semester 2021 there will be digital courses as well as face-to-face courses under the appropriate and necessary hygienic conditions. Please refer to the information provided by your department for the specific details of the respective courses.
In the summer semester 2021, teaching will take place both digitally supported at a distance and in presence, taking into account infection prevention measures. Due to the limited number of participants in classroom teaching, large courses cannot be offered to all students in attendance, or at least not simultaneously.
Please also note the information in MARVIN (= electronic course catalogue and course/examination management system).
You can access MARVIN via this website.Instructions and tips on how to use MARVIN can be found on the YouTube channel of the University of Marburg in the section Philipps tips.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Exams in the Summer Semester 2021
Please note the information on the central Corona-FAQ of the university regarding Corona-related topics and questions, the Statutes on deviations in study and examination regulations during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic 2021 for information on the currently adapted regulations regarding study and admission requirements, courses, public events and examinations as well as the information provided by the Examination Offices of the departments.
Students who fail a non-repeatable examination (last examination attempt) in the winter semester 2020/21 or in the summer semester 2021 will be granted one additional examination attempt - unless the failure is due to attempted cheating.Students who have failed such a last examination attempt in the summer semester 2020 could apply for another examination attempt. The application deadline was March 31 2021.
Travelling to exams: Please have your Uni Marburg student ID, your registration for the exam (screenshot), as well as a document stating the time and place of the exam at hand, in order to show these when asked. A mail with the time and date of the exams will be sent be the departments. Please contact the Stabsstelle Recht in case your proof of employ or cause to travel to exams was not accepted, so the decision can be appealed.
On the following page you can find information about the infection protection concept for examinations.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information on State Exams (Staatsexamen)
Please note that the respective Examination Offices on Federal State Level (Landesprüfungsämter) are responsible for the respective examination regulations!
State examinations for teachers (Erste Staatsprüfung Lehramt an Gymnasien)
Information about the state examinations for teachers (Lehramt an Gymnasien) can be found on the pages of the Hessischen Lehrkräfteakademie.
For information on the oral examinations, please also note the letter letter from the president of the Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie regarding the oral examinations in the fall of 2021.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information on Legal Issues in the Summer Semester 2021
For Information on the currently adapted regulations regarding study and admission requirements, courses, public events and examinations please note the Statutes on deviations in study and examination regulations during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic 2021.
In a recent decree, the Hessian state government has regulated that the individual standard period of study for all students enrolled in the summer semester 2020 and/or the winter semester 2020/2021 will be extended by one semester in each case. BAföG recipients are thus entitled to funding for one or two additional semesters.
Please also note the current information on the central Corona-FAQ of the university.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Extension of the standard period of study applies to studies in the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21 and summer semester 2021
In a current ordinance, the Hessian state government has stipulated that the individual standard period of study will be extended by one semester for all students enrolled in the 2020 summer semester and/or the winter semester 2020/21 and/or the summer semester 2021. This regulation also includes students who were on vacation in the summer semester 2020 and/or the winter semester 2020/21 and/or the summer semester 2021.
The individual standard period of study for all students enrolled in the summer semester 2020 and/or the winter semester 2020/2021 and/or the summer semester 2021 will be extended by one semester in each case. BAföG recipients are thus entitled to funding for one or two additional semesters. Please contact the BAföG office directly if you have questions.
Advice can be obtained from the AstA's social department.
Students can print out a Studienbescheinigung (verification of student status) via Marvin. It will list the adapted standard period of study. If there is an issue (e.g. it cannot be printed again), the Studierendensekretariat can assist.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Support in BAföG-related issues
Please note the current information on the central Corona-FAQ of the university.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Video and Web Conferences
The services currently used for teaching are BigBlueButton and CiscoWebEx.
Information on BigBlueButton can be found on the pages of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
Please also take notice of the "Regulations and information regarding web conferences and data privacy" that have been published on the page of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
Videos with instructions on how to use BigBlueButton can be found in this collection of tutorials.
Technical requirements for the use of digital content are described on this informational page of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
In general, you will need a PC/laptop with an up-to-date browser (recommended: Chrome, Chromium or Firefox) as well as a headset (or loudspeaker and microphone), possibly a webcam.
Would you like to use your smartphone for video conferencing and to retrieve ILIAS content? You can find out how to do this on this ILIAS informational page.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Learning Platforms for the Summer Semester 2021
The learning platform ILIAS is the central medium for providing educational content. Information and technical requirements for using ILIAS can be found here.
In addition to ILIAS, the platform k-MED is also used in Department 20 (Medicine). Information on k-MED can be found here.
Information on special features in ILIAS
Using the text editor in ILIAS:
If you have little experience with ILIAS and in writing texts in blogs, wikis, glossaries etc., it is worth trying out the text editor of ILIAS first. You can find a learning module on how to use the page editor on the learning platform.
Setting up your personal desktop in ILIAS:
ILIAS offers numerous opportunities and as a consequence the list of ILIAS courses and groups that you are a member of is increasing. You might lose track of all your courses and groups. To structure your virtual learning environment you can use numerous functions of your personal desktop in ILIAS.
Instant messaging without data disclosure:
You can also use the ILIAS chat or the Xmpp chat server for communication. You can find further information on the page "Using ILIAS for self-organisation" in the section "Instant Messaging auch ohne Whatsapp" and also on this page.
Working in groups in the students' workspace of ILIAS:
You can create groups in the students' workspace to study together, work on tasks and projects, and prepare for exams – all from the comfort of your own home! On the page "Online teaching with ILIAS" of the ILIAS blog you can find further information under "Szenarios für Studierende".
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Preventing Discrimination in Digital Teaching
Digital teaching is particularly challenging for all those involved. The Anti-Discrimination Office has compiled guidelines for respectful interaction with one another in digital learning spaces and the protection of personal rights. You can access these guidelines here.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Using the PC Pools
Information on using the PC pools in times of Corona can be found on this informational page of the University Computer Center (HEZ).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Support Services and Workshops
Study Skills Courses
The Central Student Advisory Office (ZAS), the Higher Education Unit (Lehrentwicklung & Hochschuldidaktik), and the Writing Lab of the University Library support you in all phases of your studies with a variety of workshops. The Study Skills Program will be offered digitally this summer semester. Here you can find an overview of the courses currently scheduled. This schedule is being updated regularly.Program for Tutors
The Higher Education Unit (Lehrentwicklung & Hochschuldidaktik) offers workshops for student tutors. This semester they will exclusively take place online. Here you can find an overview of the courses currently scheduled. This schedule is being updated regularly.Online Course for Smoothly Starting and/or Continuing your Studies
- The course "ToDos while studying" (ToDos im Studium) provides you with interdisciplinary information and helpful tips for all those who are about to start their studies, for those who are uncertain about scheduling and registering for courses, for those who still have unanswered questions or looking for further information on how to study most effectively.
- Additionally, to assist you in your self-assessment, you will find a test on your personal learning behaviour in the above-mentioned course "ToDos while studying". The test will immediately analyse and evaluate your answers and will give tips on which learning strategies might be particularly suitable for you.
- In the StudySkills program, you'll find self-paced learning opportunities on topics such as "How to Organize Your Study Day at the Home Office," "Reading Techniques," and other important skills.
- On this ILIAS informational page you will also find interdisciplinary tips for learning as well as reading strategies.Peer-to-peer workshops of the Study Buddies
In this ILIAS group you will find an overview of the workshops offered by the Study Buddies, in which students share their experiences in writing papers or creating presentations.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Using the Libraries
Notes on using the libraries under extended hygiene conditions
You can find the latest information on how to use the libraries on this FAQ page of the University Library.Link Collection of the University Library on Academic Working Techniques and Digital Research
There is a wide range of public materials from the University Library that make it easier to get started working with printed and electronic literature at the library. Here you will find learning modules, scripts, useful links and the podcasts of the Writing Lab on topics like "Orientation", "Finding information", "Organizing knowledge", "Producing texts and media" etc.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Student Life
Student Services
You can find the homepage of the Student Services (Studentenwerk) here.Map of the University
The location map for university buildings can be found here.
Do you have important information for the landing page? Contact us!