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Orientation of the Materials Sciences Center Marburg

The research focus "materials science" is based in the departments of chemistry and physics and is strongly represented there in research and teaching. Since the founding of the Materials Sciences Center (WZMW) in 1989, a broad range of activities in both basic research and application-oriented research have developed in the following fields:
- Solid State Physics and Surface Physics
- Polymer Chemistry and Polymer Physics
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
The WZMW promotes materials research through systematic and continuous focus training both at the Philipps University and through cooperation on a national and international level. In addition, the WZMW supports the teaching based on these fields by preparing and supervising study courses in the field of materials science.
The results of research are published every two years in the "Annual Scientific Report", which can be obtained from the WZMW office.
Examples of this successful, interdisciplinary main focus are the Collaborative Research Centers "Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces" and "Disorder in Solids on Mesoscopic Scales", the Research Training Groups "Functionalization of Semiconductors" and "Optoelectronics of Mesoscopic Semiconductors", the European Research Training Group "Electron-Electron Interactions in Solids" (together with the Budapest University of Technology), the DFG research groups "Metastable Semiconductor Materials and Heterostructures" and "Synthesis of Functional Chemical-Biological Hybrid Compounds" and the interdisciplinary research center "Optodynamics". In addition, the WZMW also promotes the implementation of the research results obtained in applications such as supporting the Biotechnology and Nanotechnology/Future Technologies Initiative in Marburg.