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Board of Directors

Executive Director:
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz, FB Physik, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, Marburg
Tel. 06421 / 28-22297
Fax 06421 / 28-28935
Associate Director:
Prof. Dr. Carsten von Hänisch, FB Chemie, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 4, Marburg
Tel. 06421 / 28-25612
Fax 06421 / 28-25653
Marieke Sycha, WZMW, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, 35032 Marburg
Tel. 06421 / 28-25694
Fax 06421 / 28-28935
Gebhard, Florian (FB 13); Gottfried, Michael (FB 15); von Hänisch, Carsten (FB 15); Hampp, Norbert (FB 15); Heimbrodt, Wolfram (FB 13); Höfer, Ulrich (FB13); Jakob, Peter (FB 13); Koch, Martin (FB 13); Roling, Bernhard (FB 15); Seubert, Andreas (FB 15); Sundermeyer, Jörg (FB 15); Volz, Kerstin (FB 13); Witte, Gregor (FB13)
Scientific Head of Structure- and Technology Research Laboratory:
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz
Representatives of the scientific staff members:
Dr. Andreas Beyer (FB 13)
Representatives of the non-scientific and administrative staff members:
Rigobert Donner (FB 15), Thomas Ochs (WZMW)
Representative of the students: