Main Content
Ongoing grants:
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Title Weblinks Research Group (Forschungsgruppe)
FOR 2824: Amorphous molecular materials with extreme non-linear optical properties
- Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction
FOR 2824Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich)
SFB 1083: Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces
- Metal organic vapour phase epitaxy of semiconductor heterostructures and interfaces (A1)
- Atomically resolved structure of solid/solid interfaces (A5)
- Metal organic vapour phase deposition of two-dimensional heterostructures (A14)
- Interface-dominated semiconductor laser structures (B7)
- Inorganic, interface-dominated heterostructures for device concepts (B13)
- Central Services (Z)
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen BMBF
Large equipment:
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen IWB-EFRE Program React-EU
Title Weblinks Plasma Focussed Ion Beam (PFIB) with scanning electron microscope (SEM)
granted in 2022/2023
Infrastructure development "Photocatalytic water splitting"
As part of the "Photocatalytic water splitting" infrastructure project, it is planned to develop component structures for direct hydrogen production through photocatalysis, i. e. by breaking down water into its components with the help of sunlight, and to quantitatively characterize battery materials and link the results to the properties of the materials.
For this purpose, a focussed ion beam system with a scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM) was procured as part of the project and integrated into the existing devices infrastructure in order to be able to carry out experiments for detailed structural characterization of the materials using electron microscopic methods.EFRE-Europäischer Strukturfonds Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Completed grants:
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Title Weblinks Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg)
GRK 1782: Functionalization of Semiconductors
granted from 2012 to 2021DFG,
GRK 1782Research Grant (Sachbeihilfe)
Effect of B and N isovalent impurities on the electronic transport of GaAs and GaP based alloys for silicon photonics and photovoltaics
granted from 2014 to 2018DFG Research Grant (Sachbeihilfe)
Influence of elements with small covalent radii on the (nano) structure of III/V
semiconductor materials
granted from 2008 to 2019DFG Heisenberg Professorship (Heisenberg-Professur)
Quantitative structural characterization of novel functional materials
granted from 2008 to 2016DFG International Research Training Group (Internationales Graduiertenkolleg)
GRK 790: Electron-Electron Interactions in Solids
granted from 2002 to 2011DFG,
GRK 790Research Group (Forschungsgruppe)
FOR 483: Metastable Compound Semiconductor Systems and Heterostructures
- Non-equilibrium metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy and optical spectroscopy of the band formation and band structure of metastable compound semiconductors
- Metastable compound semiconductor systems and heterostructures
- Structure Formation Processes and Phase Transitions in Metastable Mixed III/V Semiconductors and Heterostructures
FOR 483
DFGCollaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich)
SFB 383: Disorder in solids on mesoscopic scales
- Growth and characterization of electronic properties of semiconductor heterostructures with defined order (B2)
SFB 383
B2Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen European Commission
Title Weblinks MicroSPIRE - micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors
granted since 11/2017EU Horizon 2020,
MicroSPIREPostgraduate Research on Dilute Metamorphic Nanostructures and Metamaterials in Semiconductor Photonics
granted from 01/2015 to 12/2018EU Horizon 2020,
PROMISBIsmide And Nitride Components for High temperature Operation
granted from 07/2010 to 07/2014EU FP7,
BIANCHOA new PV wave making more efficient use of the solar spectrum
granted from 11/2003 to 10/2008EU FP6,
FULLSPECTRUMInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen BMBF
Title Weblinks FestBatt - Competence cluster for solid state batteries
granted from 09/2018 to 10/2024BMBF,
FestBattJoint Project (Verbundprojekt) MehrSi
Highly efficient III/V multiple solar cells on silicon - Structural characterization of solar cell structures by electron microscopy
granted from 09/2015 to 02/2019MehrSi Joint Project (Verbundprojekt)
Highly efficient solar cells on Si-substrate
granted from 2008 to 2011Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Research Projects
"Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) - Kooperationsprojekt"
PRESTIGE - Development of novel precursors for SiGe epitaxy and low-temperature deposition technology;
Epotactic-technological CVD process mechanisms
granted from 06/2019 to 09/2022"WIPANO – Wissens- und Technologietransfer durch Patente und Normen"
Studies on the synthesis and application of the binary group 15 precursor DTBAA and related compounds for semiconductor production
granted from 10/2018 to 09/2020Fraunhofer ISE: Testing of new organometallic sources for the MOVPE of diluted N-containing GaInNAs solar cells
granted from 01/2017 to 12/2018Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH: Ion-Trap-Mass spectrometric studies of gas phase composition and reaction characteristics during MOVPE of III/V materials
granted from 01/2015 to 12/2016Hessenagentur - EGALITE "Development of an alternative gallium compound for use in MOVPE"
granted from 10/2014 to 12/2016BMU - IGNAZ "Development of InGaNAs material technology for highly efficient multijunction solar cells for concentrator photovoltaik (IGNAz)" together with AZUR SPACE Solar Power GmbH and Forschungszentrum Jülich
granted from 03/2013 to 02/2016BMU - INKOTEK "Development of innovative and cost-effective technologies for most efficient concentrator modules for the future generation: Microstructural characterization"
granted from 10/2011 to 09/2014