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  • TravelToTeach - Teaching and Learning Abroad | winter term 2021/22

    26/10/21 Toward glocality: Bridging the global and the local through culturally relevant international engagement in education

    Kenneth Varner, PhD
    Associate Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, US

    Some have argued that the world is flat, but this flat world argument does not sufficiently nuance the tensions between global landscapes and local realities. The preparation of educators, from a transnational perspective, faces a set of common problems experienced worldwide while simultaneously lived in highly localized ways. At the sime time a pervasive discourse of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) significantly influences the preparation literature over the past 20 years with little change in outcomes for marginalized learners.

    In this keynote Varner outlines some of the common complexities to argue for a framework of glocality centered on addressing the limitations of CRP as we know it. In the talk Varner presents data and experiences from a longitudinal educator preparation exchange program between the US and Chile to demonstrate the value of glocality for 21st century educational engagement.

     09/11/21 Initial Teacher Education in Portugal

    Maria Helena Esteves, PhD
    Lecturer at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) at the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

    Helena will give a brief overview of the Portuguese educational system and how you enter the profession according to Portuguese legislation – different cycles of education (kindergarten, basic and secondary) have different programmes of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in different types of Higher Education institutions.

    Learning to be a teacher requires scientific and pedagogical knowledge but school practice is also important. We will discuss various topics, such as: how does the Portuguese model compare to yours? What is more important in ITE – theoretical knowledge or practical training? When you start teaching, which are the most important challenges you have to deal with? Can you really learn to be/become a teacher in ITE?

    16/11/22 Open Educational Resources in Teacher Training: Examples from the DiGEO project (Germany/Austria)

    Dr. Thomas Jekel
    Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna

    The presentation gives an overview of concepts and evaluation of Open Educational Ressources. Examples are drawn from OER's that have been developed in a peer-teaching setting to support and measure reflexivity in teacher trainees regarding Geomedia. A hands-on session guides through the first translated OER's availlable.

    The discussed OERs can be found here and accessed using a guest account: 
    Space and Structure:

    23/11/21 Living and Working Abroad as a Teacher

    Dr. Marion Lange
    Teacher at the German School Nairobi, Kenya

    In the presentation, forms of German schools abroad (DAS) are introduced in general. Two DAS are considered in more detail. Subsequently, opportunities to work as a teacher at DAS will be shown.
    07.12. Flipped classroom model: possibilities for hybrid STEAM teaching 
    Dr. Olivera Cekić-Jovanović, Dr. Marija Stanojević Veselinović, Dr. Nenad Stevanovic & Dr. Jelena Mladenović 
    Assist. Professors at the Faculty of Education of the University of Kragujevac, Serbia

    With the appearance of the Sars-Cov2 virus, all schools in Serbia, as well as in almost all parts of the world, applied a combination of online and direct teaching - hybrid teaching. "Flipped classroom" is the most famous model of hybrid teaching, which implies "reversal" of the classic way of teaching.

    Students learn new content at home with the help of multimedia and apply it in schools through active teaching methods - discussion, research activities, problem solving, experiments and work on projects. The emphasis will be on biology teaching content. The main objective is to show the experiences of teachers working in primary school following this teaching model, the model of "flipped classroom".

    11/01/22 Introduction to the preparation, implementation and reflexion of multicultural pupil exchange programs

    Dr. Victoria Storozenko
    Lecturer at the Institute for School Pedagogy of the Philipps-University Marburg, Germany

    Dr. Sylwia Adamczak-Krysztofowicz 
    Professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics of the Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland

    The presentation as a PDF with all its practical tips can be opened by clicking here

    Encounters between individuals and/or groups are one of the current points of interest within the field of intercultural pedagogy. In fact, by means of such encounters, intercultural and transcultural contents can be practically taught and tested. Three main types of intercultural encounters can be distinguished: direct, indirect and combined encounters.

    In our contribution we intend to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these three types of encounters from the perspective of intercultural and transcultural learning. Additionally, the examples from our own experience with encounter concepts and ideas will be presented and discussed.

    In particular, we would like to focus on our international project 'POLDI', which lasted six semesters and involved Polish and German students in a study tour program implemented alternately in Poznań / Poland and Marburg / Germany. Prior to each real encounter, the initial contact was established in the working groups formed by both parties by means of a mediated encounter via e-mail. As an accompanying German-Polish management team, we provided the students from Poznań and Marburg with information material, basic theoretical texts and instructions on how to organize the exchange in an Internet forum set up specifically for this purpose. Importantly, the Internet forum served as an exchange platform between the students from both groups and between the students and the management team. This phase was followed by a real, face-to-face encounter, in which the essential joint work was taking place - in small groups and in plenary sessions alternately. After each study tour, the forum and email contacts continued. This allowed for following up on the direct encounter and perpetuating the exchange.

    The aim of our presentation is also to offer suggestions for encounter programs in the context of DaF teaching (and other subjects) and initiate the discussion with the participants concerning the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of encounters for inter- and transcultural learning in schools and study programs.

    18/01/22 Didactic value of botanic gardens

    Dr. Justyna Wiland-Szymanska
    Associate Professor at the Faculty of Biology of the Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland

    Botanic gardens are regarded by a general public as leisure grounds with curious plants. These institutions are however much more, acting as refugia of plants and animals, as well as gene banks. They play a no less important role as places of nature education for the whole society, including persons with special needs. It is especially important in the cities, where children are often estranged from natural environment in their everyday life.

    The presentation is an overview of different topics and activities, which may be taught in the botanic gardens, including examples of artistic and therapeutic methods. It also presents possibility of using various virtual and real life facilities and events, often already existing in these institutions, for teaching of subjects in natural sciences, including biology, geography and nature protection.

    25/01/22 Teaching biodiversity

    Dr. Justyna Wiland-Szymanska
    Associate Professor at the Faculty of Biology of the Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland

    Dr. Szymon Konwerski
    Assistant Professor, Natural History Collections of the Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland

    In current times the need for nature protection is more and more pressing. At the same time pupils not always have a possibility to learn nature on living examples. Often a challenge is to replace fear with fascination, as only admiring nature leads to its protection. After an experience of teaching Erasmus students for 10 years together, as a botanist and a zoologist, we have developed our own original program for biodiversity classes for all ages. It combines laboratory and field classes performed in the surrounding environment.

    During the meeting the students will learn how to organize laboratory and field classes, how to choose the groups of organisms best for teaching purposes and how to prepare useful supporting materials. We will prove, that documentation made by students during field classes plays an important part in a teaching process. In our understanding, this kind of classes change pupils/students attitude to the surrounding nature and its protection in the most effective way.

  • #DifferenceMatters: Sensitive and Professional Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom | summer term 2022

    16/05/22 Parenting Ideals of Muslim Parents

    The refusal to participate in PE classes, the objection to sex ed in schools, wearing a headscarf, and the partially practiced tradition of arranged marriages repeatedly feed controversial discussions that do not remain outside of school walls. These kinds of happenings at school raise questions concerning parenting ideals of Muslim parents.

    In this lecture, Prof. Dr. Naime Çakir-Mattner, professor of Islamic theology with an emphasis on Muslim ways of life at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, offers an introduction to parenting ideals in Muslim influenced families and reflects them from a theological perspective.

    Prof. Dr. Naime Çakir-Mattner, JLU Gießen

    09/06/22 Gender and Sexual Diversity at School – (Not) an Issue of Immigrant Youth?

    The question how and if one should work with the diversity of gender and sexuality should be dealt with pedagogically at school, takes up more and more space in teacher education. And that although the educational situation of LGBTQIA* adolescents is comparably well researched. In his lecture, Dr, Florian C. Klenk will be illuminating how teachers perceive different lifestyles in regards to sexual orientation or gender in a school context and what meaning they prescribe to them in accordance to their pedagogical actions.

    The basis is an empiric study conducted by him in the context of which teachers of different gender identities and sexualities were interviewed. Within the lecture a special emphasis will be put on culturally racist interpretations in which in a biased manner heteronormativity is seen as an issue of immigrant youth.

    Dr. Florian C. Klenk, Technische Universität Darmstadt

    21/06/22 Intercultural Differences as a Potential for Conflict and Ressource in a Cooperative School Context

    Everyday school life is heavily influenced by children and adolescents with different cultural heritage. Here often dominates a viewpoint of deficits that highlights, for example, language deficits or difficulties to adapt. However, cultural differences can bear fruit as a resource that strengthens a sympathetic environment and the self-competence of immigrant youth.

    Group dynamical aspects that also serve as a foundation of intercultural conflicts at schools are at the center of the lecture of Dr. Jost Stellmacher from the Philipps-University Marburg. It is central to the development of adolescents to develop their own identity, and affiliations to social groups play a significant role in that development. An important one of these affiliations draws from cultural heritage / socialization. Ideas are supposed to be conveyed in which ways, from the standpoint of this theoretical tradition, intercultural conflicts in schools can be dealt with.

    Dr. Jost Stellmacher, Philipps-Universität Marburg 

    How cultural diversity can be put to practice together will be shown by Dr. Ursula Bertels by using the projects “Interkulturelle Streitschlichter:innen” (“Intercultural Mediators”) and “Kulturübersetzer:innen” (“Cultural Translators”) of the Vereins Ethnologie und Schule in Erwachsenenbildung (ESE) e.V. (Society for Ethnology and School in Adult Education): As cultural mediators, adolescents simplify the access to school environment for new children and advise their teachers by utilizing their multilingualism as well as their cultural knowledge. Even in social work in city districts positive positive effects of intercultural sensibilization of adolescents who worked as mediators become visible.

    Ethnologie und Schule in Erwachsenenbildung e.V. (society for Ethnology and School in Adult Education)

  • TravelToTeach - Learning and Teaching Abroad | winter term 2022/23

    01/11/22: Creating a gender sensitive curriculum (lecture)

    Maria Helena Esteves, PhD
    Lecturer at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

    The focus of the lecture will be on gender in teaching, within the scope of the 2030 Agenda, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education and Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality. Gender inequality is present in different areas of society, and education has an important role in addressing these issues. Relevant research will be presented demonstrating how raising gender awareness is important in classroom activities and can be done in most school subjects. We will use contributions from participants to promote collaborative reflexion bringing together different school subjects.

    04/11/22: Learning through service projects (workshop)

    Foundation Learning through Civic Engagement

    Service-Learning is an educational approach which combines formal learning with meaningful civic engagement. The combination of learning and civic engagement reflects two core goals of Service-Learning: strengthening democracy through changing learning culture. Service-Learning is suitable for all school types, age groups, and subjects and can be adapted to a variety of educational concepts and backgrounds.
    Designing a playground according to children´s needs, rehabilitating public grounds for bees and insects, or run awareness campaigns on voting rights – Service-Learning projects help to bring about positive change for all, contribute to increased motivation for investing oneself in society – and help to achieve the learning goals of the curriculum.

    In this workshop, teachers experienced in Service-Learning and experts will introduce participants to the concept, provide insights into practical examples from their own schools, and guide students through the process of developing their own service project as a teacher. The workshop will be facilitated by the Foundation Learning through Civic Engagement, which serves as one of the main organizations in Germany to support teachers in this area and cooperates with similar initiatives in other European countries.

    08/11/22: What is hidden in the hidden curriculum - how do schools operate on the latent level (lecture)

    Prof. AMU dr hab. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska
    Professor at the Institute of Education, AMU, Poznan, Poland

    During the lecture, the category of the hidden curriculum will be explained. Moreover, we will discuss how hidden curriculum is related to the process of learning. We will be also looking for the answer to the question of what is hidden in the school architecture and space. What do the school textbooks hide and what do they want to tell us? How can the hidden curriculum create role models (e.g. gender roles)? We will also try to uncover the hidden curricula in our past schools.

    11/11/22: Anti-bias training for teachers (workshop)

    Nele Kontzi and Cvetka Bovha, Germany

    In this workshop, students will explore how (un-)conscious attitudes towards diversity can impact on school settings and explore ways to role-model and address related dynamics in their classroom as future teachers.

    Diversity may take many forms - obvious ones such as color, dialect or wealth, or more subtle ones like different opinions on deep-seated aspects of life. Sometimes we are aware of our attitude towards difference, sometimes our notions are hidden to ourselves, and they can be positive, negative, or neutral. Being aware of our own categories in navigating life is a crucial first step in allowing for encounters that enable us to see and value diversity. Bias is embedded as well in structures and with that also in schools and has effects on learning and living together.

    In this workshop facilitated by two trainers experienced in the anti-bias approach, students will have the opportunity to reflect upon their societal imprint and experiences with diversity, in exchange with students from other countries and cultures. They will learn about ways diversity may impact group dynamics in class and explore practical ways how they, as a teacher, can contribute to build appreciative and integrative school communities (with the students). 

    15/11/22: Talking social justice - conversations that matter (6:30 - 8:00 pm, lecture)

    Sydney Chaffee
    Teacher of the Year 2017, Massachusetts, USA

    Education can be a transformative tool to work towards social justice. In a world where our students regularly experience injustice, teachers play a critical role: helping young people build skills to be active citizens and work to create a more just and equitable society. In this talk, Sydney explains why teaching is a political act and encourages teachers to see themselves as facilitators of students' activism.

    25/11/22: World Café - get connected and exchange experiences! (1:30 - 4:30 pm, workshop)

    Wiebke Nierste
    JLU Giessen, Germany

    The basic idea of the "World Café" is to bring learners or participants into conversation with each other and thus to be able to intensively discuss and reflect on problems or questions in small groups. This World Café is supposed to provide a safe space for student teachers to exchange personal experiences related to school and university studies and to learn more about different approaches as well as ideas in education around the world.

    29/11/22: Gamification in service of formative learning assessment - a tool (lecture)

    Carolina Micaela Costeira e Pereira
    Lecturer at the Institute of Education, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

    During this lecture, we will both learn the use of and experiment with a tool that contributes to formative learning assessment by creating a gaming environment. 
    This activity emerged within an intervention project aiming to promote the use of digital technologies in primary schools of a municipality. The project was designed from a framework based on the principles of contextualized in-service learning and professional development environments.

    06/12/22: Crossing racialized borders: The impact on the education of immigrant children in the United States and South Africa (lecture)

    Bekisizwe S. Ndimande, Ph.D.
    Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Professor of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Studies
    College of Education and Human Development, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, USA

    This presentation discusses the experiences of immigrant communities who cross racial borders in South Africa and in the United States. Research shows that refugees and immigrant families around the world have encountered various challenges in their country of destination and/or newly adopted countries, including the challenges of education access for their children (Olneck, 1995; Olsen, 1997; Taylor & Whittaker, 2003; Gershberg, et al, 2004, Sookrajh, et al, 2005).

    This presentation argues that most such challenges disproportionately face minoritized immigrants and their children. First, I discuss the struggles of minoritized immigrants in post-apartheid South Africa including the challenges of xenophobia in that country. Second, I discuss the recent challenges faced by immigrants from Latin America in the United States. In both contexts I underscore the oppressive environment they encounter, including the struggles to access education for their children. I argue that the national education systems of both countries have not done sufficiently to help immigrant children towards achieving equal educational opportunities in their new environment.

    13/12/22: International Quiz Night - Winter Edition

    An international Quiz Night organized by students for students! 

  • #SimilaritiesMatter: Sensitive and Professional Handling of diversity in the classroom | summer term 2023

     Universal Design for Learning - concept for an inclusive teaching culture

    Speaker: Dr. Sabine Lauber-Pohle, Philipps-Universität Marburg
    (Language: English)

    The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities places a strong emphasis on the right to inclusive education. However, creating an inclusive educational system can be challenging. There are several concepts for achieving inclusive education, and one of them is Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL aims to create a learning environment that is inclusive for all learners by focusing on the entire educational process. This presentation will provide an overview of UDL and offer an opportunity for us to discuss its potential benefits and drawbacks.

    28/06/23 With each other instead of about each other - dialogue with Zeugen der Flucht e.V. Freiburg

    Speaker: Julia Wagenhals (Zeugen der Flucht e.V.)
    (Language: German)

    Zeugen der Flucht e.V. is an association that carries out anti-racist educational work by creating encounters between refugees and (young) people. We see our work as an important contribution to an open and democratic society. The association facilitates direct dialogue between refugees and interested groups (e.g. school classes). This means that we, as refugees, tell our personal experiences as contemporary witnesses and answer all open questions: What was life like back home? What were the circumstances of the escape? How is life in Germany? What are your dreams for the future? Each member of our team answers these questions differently and can therefore provide an insight into the different lives of refugees. Through personal encounters and our openness, the topics of flight and migration become accessible and understandable. In addition to the classic exchange that takes place at school, on 28 June we will look at the framework conditions, preparation and follow-up as well as the organisation of the classroom visit from the perspective of the teachers.

    15/07 & 19/07/23 Intercultural Sensitivity Training 

    Trainer: Robbin Clarissa Bastian
    (Language: English) 

    Intercultural competence is essential for successful interactions in- and outside of the classroom. This requires a conscious approach to become more aware of one´s own culture and better understand how people from around the world think, feel and behave. Decisive factors in this process are a collection of skills such as increased levels of empathy, tolerance, flexibility, intercultural sensitivity, discarding assumptions and improving cross-cultural communication.
    Join our online interactive workshop and become more aware of the world around you. The workshop will be held in English.

  • August 29 - September 1, 2023: Summer School "Teaching for Sustainable Development"

    For more information see here.

  • TravelToTeach – Experience School Internationally | winter term 2023/24

    24/11/23 The German International School System – Application and Testimonials

    How can I become a teacher at one of the German international schools? Do I need to study German as a foreign language for this? How can I apply? And what experiences have others had?

    Have these questions crossed your mind before? Then you're in the right place with us! During the Reading Week, we are hosting an event where you will learn about the German international school system. Additionally, you will hear two testimonials, and we will have the opportunity to answer all your questions. This event is part of our series "Travel to Teach – Experience School Internationally."

    Language: German

    6/12/23 Interview with the principal of the German School in Brooklyn

    Speaker: Raphael Hillisch (principal of the German School Brooklyn)

    Language: German

    17/01/24 Beyond the Horizon: The Polish Education System and International Schools in Poland – Opportunities and Challenges for the Teacher Training System

    Speaker: Dr. Joanna Leek (University of Lodz)
    Date: January 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM 
    Language: English

    The Polish education system has undergone significant changes in the past decades, especially in terms of internationalization and integration with the global community. One of the manifestations of this process is the emergence and development of international schools in Poland, which offer various curricula and programmes that aim to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. However, these schools also pose new demands and expectations for the teachers who work in them, as they require specific competencies and qualifications that may not be adequately addressed by the current teacher training system in Poland.

    This presentation will provide an overview of the main features and characteristics of international education, as well as the current state and challenges of pre-service teacher training in Poland. It will also propose some recommendations and suggestions on how to improve and adapt the teacher training system to the requirements and standards of international education.

    31/01/24 Report from Taiwan - an insight into the school system abroad using the example of the Taipei European School

    Speaker: Daniel Engler (Deputy Head, German Section, of the Taipei European School (TES), Taipei, Taiwan)

    Date: January 31, 2024 at 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM

    Language: German

  • Courses & Events | summer term 2024

    School Visit at Blista e.V. in Marburg | summer term 2024:

    You are an international student at Philipps-University and would like to get acquainted with a German school and engage with teachers? 

    We are planning a school visit to Blista e.V. in Marburg on May 22nd 2024. Blista is an educational institution, combined with a boarding school, which is specifically designed for people with blindness or visual impairments. We have the opportunity to visit Blista and will thereby examine the special teaching methods.

    LiMa Networking Event | summer term 2024

    Project LiMa is now entering its final year. We are reflecting on three years filled with fruitful collaboration, including joint lecture series, guest and collaborative teaching, memorable personal visits, student exchanges, and the Summer School "Teaching for Sustainable Development".
    On May 24, 2024 from 2 pm to 6 pm (CEST), we will host a digital networking event open to colleagues from Philipps-Universität Marburg and all our partner universities.
    Our goal is to foster collaboration and assess your needs regarding future collaboration. We will review past joint activities, explore funding opportunities, discuss best practices, and introduce eTwinning as a tool for teaching collaboration in teacher education. During the latter half of the event, LiMa will provide a networking space for you to discuss your own ideas and plan teaching collaborations.
    The deadline for registration and submission of project proposals is May 6, 2024. More information, registration, and submission can be accessed via Eveeno. To go to Eveeno, please  copy this link in your browser


    Reflection of joint activities, funding possibilities, tools for collaboration
    - Taking a look back at project LiMa & our past activities together
    - Johannes Weinreich, International Office Marburg: Funding possibilities with ERASMUS+: Blended Intensive Programs and teaching mobilities
    - Anne Laaredj-Campbell & Laura Restrepo Parrado (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst): eTwinning for Future Teachers
    Networking, connecting with colleagues and exchanging project ideas
    - Susann Gessner (Philipps-Universität Marburg) & Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan): Good practice example. Hurdles and lessons learned.
    - Discussion of project proposals & networking 

    Conclusion and future perspectives of project LiMa

    Intercultural training | summer term 2024

    This workshop offers participants the opportunity to get to know the various aspects of intercultural competence and to reflect on their own learning process. Participants acquire basic knowledge about the dynamics of culture, identity and intercultural encounters; develop a reflective approach to values, stereotypes and prejudices; expand their repertoire of actions in intercultural contexts with regard to interaction, communication and changing perspectives. Tolerance, empathy and understanding for others are further developed.

    If you are interested, please send us an e-mail to

    School Visit at Elisabethschule | summer term 2024

    You are an international student at Philipps-University and would like to get acquainted with a German school and engage with teachers? 

    This school visit takes us to the Elisabethschule. This is a Gymnasium in Ockershausen. There, we will visit a class during their English lesson on June 10, 2024.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email at

    Language course "Studying Abroad in English" | summer term 2024

    The ability to study in English is invaluable and opens the doors to a wide range of academic, professional and personal opportunities. Our Studying Abroad in English workshop is designed to give students an overview of the language requirements needed to study abroad in English. Our aim is to equip participants with practical language skills and raise their language awareness: Politeness and register, following lectures, writing effective emails, navigating academic environments and the basics of academic writing. 

    The language course will take place on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

    If you are interested, please send us an email to